Gluten Free

Cereals in White Ceramic Bowl

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a cluster of proteins that occur in wheat, barley, rye and triticale. Its part play is to make dough elastic, assist it in rising and keep its shape intact during cooking. Apart from this gluten has many other uses in some food products like bread, paste, cereals and even baked items. But there are people who have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease therefore they must not eat gluten-containing foods because of the bad consequences on their health.

Is gluten harmful to your Health Right?

Consume gluten who has certian people? Because eating gluten for some individual set up an auto immune reaction which damages their small intestine leading to malnutrition and various symptoms like digestive disorders, tiredness and skin problems since they suffer from celiac disease or other sensitivity related to gluten. The intestine is also likely to be affected by gluten even among those who are not infected. There are proponents of various studies arguing whether or not a gluten-free diet may be harmful to certain portions of the population; hence we must know that individuals react differently to the same amount of gluten. So all things being equal, the best possible option remains one where moderation prevails on diets.

Some Diseases That Caused by Gluten

Celiac Disease:

Celiac disease is a condition which is autoimmune in nature related to gluten intake causing damage inside small intestine. Therefore, when such patients take gluten their immune system attacks mistakenly at intestinal lining causing swelling as well as malabsorption. Symptoms may range extensively from diarrhea, to bloated stomachs or even tiredness among others. Long-term gluten consumption by these individuals may lead to serious health issues like osteoporosis among others and a greater likelihood of certain types of cancer.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS):

Beverages, baked goods, and breakfast cereals often contain gluten. This protein is also found in various agricultural products such as wheat, barley and rye. However, some people are said to be gluten sensitive even when they don’t have celiac disease. The gluten sensitivity that does not involve celiac disease is known as NCGS (Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity). According to NCGS believers, those who suffer from this kind of disorder usually experience gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating after consuming food products with gluten.

Wheat Allergy:

Wheat allergy is characterized by a particular allergic reaction towards proteins contained in wheat, among which gluten is included. Such individuals if they consume wheat might have an immune response that could result in hives, difficulty in breathing and gastrointestinal distress. In extreme instances, it can cause anaphylaxis which is a severe reaction that may be life-threatening requiring urgent medical intervention. On the contrary, unlike celiac disease where there is an autoimmune reaction to gluten it involves rapid immune responses.

An alternative to gluten more sensitive or dietary preferences, our grain-free cereal is both delicious and nutritious. Packed with nutrients that your body needs, it’s nice to begin your day in this type of healthy note.

Allergy Friendly:

Lovebirds’ gluten-free breakfast flakes are designed for people suffering from celiac disease, those allergic to gluten or wheat, as well as the individuals who have developed gluten intolerance.

Digestive Health:

In the initial part of this month, a Lovebird released gluten-free breakfast cereal which is an excellent fibre source essential for digestion and maintaining regularity. Having lots of fibres in your diet can prevent constipation.

Source of Essential Nutrients:

Lovebirds’ gluten-free cereal is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, calcium, and iron. These nutrients play a crucial role in supporting overall health and well-being

Healthy Alternative:

Cereal is one of the best options that help to curb gluten in the diet since it is both testy and nutritious. Numerous individuals have been searching for such gluten alternatives for various reasons, which include celiac disease and food preferences among others

High-Quality Ingredients:

Lovebirds’ cereal may be made with high-quality ingredients, providing a healthy breakfast option without compromising on taste or nutritional value.